Oldenhammer in Toronto had a great post I read over the weekend, discussing Star Wars and Rogue Trader, and the role Storm Troopers and Space Marines play, which got me thinking. Go read his post first. It's worth it. I'll wait . . .
So, I was a huge Star Wars fan as a kid in mid-70's. I was one of those kids who always rooted for the good guys, and Luke and Han were my heroes. However, the design of the Stormtrooper always captured my imagination the most, and remains the first thing I think of when I hear the words "Star Wars." I even dressed up as one for Halloween back in 1980 or so (my Mom, God bless her, sewed me a suit out of a bed sheet and decorated it with a Magic Marker).
This is not me dressed for Halloween. And, since I don't have my vintage Action Figures close at hand, my boy's lego version will have to do as a point of reference. |
When I first saw GW's version of a Space Marine in the late 80's, I immediately thought the design very derivative (to put it kindly) of George Lucas's Stormtroopers: