Monday, January 21, 2019

2019 Goals

It's been forever since I've posted, and the only gaming I've gotten in is a Warmaster matchup between Undead and Dwarves.  I'm playing against my son, but only a bit each weekend, and its dragged on.

In any event, I thought I'd jot down some goals for the year, hoping to inspire myself to get something done.


  • Remainder of Blood Angels Army (20 or so Space Marines and two Rhinos).
  • Remainder of Warmaster Elves (about half a small army)
  • Battle of Five Armies/Warmaster Armies (both sides)
  • 6mm English Civil War minis - two very small armies
  • Complete Scratch Built Warhound
  • Build up Bolt Action Starter Set
  • Necromunda Terrain
  • Finish the Warmaster matchup between Undead and Dwarves
  • Play Trafalgar battle (GW Historical Rules), using some paper counters I printed up a while back.
  • Play a few Scenarios of Avalon Hill's Panzer Leader
  • Mordheim
  • Write up my very simple Epic 40k rules.
  • Write up a simple English Civil War rules, with DBA-like elements, based on Warmaster standards.
  • Star Wars - Thrawn
  • Dan Abnet's Titanicus
  • Christopher Hibbert's Cavaliers and Roundheads